Field Test
The Florida Department of Education’s Office of Race to the Top Assessments and the
Performing Fine Arts Assessment Project invite you to participate in the Field Testing of assessment items.
Polk County Public Schools serves as the fiscal agent for this Hard-to-Measure (HtM) Content Area.
Our goal is to Field Test items:
for the Highest Enrolled Courses in Dance, Music, and Theatre (please see Highest Enrolled Courses page);
in at least 22 school districts;
with at least 100 teachers; and
in over 300 classrooms.
The purpose of the Field Test is to generate data about the test items and is not intended to provide an evaluation of the student’s performance, nor to evaluate the teacher’s skills.
The objectives of the Field Test include:
1. To score items consistently;
2. To score items according to the rubric;
3. To determine the upper and lower levels of score points; and
4. To identify clarifications that may be needed to assist future scoring.
FEBRUARY 24, 2014 Field Test Q&A Webinar:
Item Types and Timeline
The Field Test will include
PART A - Responding Items and
PART B - Performance Tasks. The items, representing a variety of item types (selected response/multiple choice, constructed response, performance tasks), were developed by Florida Performing Fine Arts educators and are based on Florida’s course descriptions and associated Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and Florida Standards. The Florida Performing Fine Arts Assessment Field Test will be held from
Monday, March 10, 2014 through Friday, April 4, 2014.
District Approval
Districts participating in the HtM Field Test are asked to complete the following:
DISTRICT: ___________________________
SCHOOL: ___________________________
TEACHER: ___________________________
E-MAIL: _____________________________
IT SCHOOL RESOURCE: _______________
E-MAIL: _____________________________
COURSE#: __________________________
COURSE NAME: _____________________
NUMBER OF CLASSES: _______________
NUMBER OF STUDENTS: ______________
Confirmation of District/School approval signatures should be sent to (FAX to PCSB FINE ARTS Fax # 863-647-4737):
School Network Manager
District Fine Arts Supervisor/Contact
District Assessment Supervisor/Coordinator
Confirmation of technology requirements (click on Field Test Information).
Identify a site coordinator/test administrator, using the HtM Field Test Bulk Users document
Identify teachers responsible for teaching the following courses, as well as the number of classes in which the field test will be conducted, using the HtM Field Test Bulk Users document (Please see Highest Enrolled Courses page.)
Provide a computer lab or some other method by which students may participate in this computer-based assessment experience.
Complete the HtM Field Test Bulk Users documents for identified Instructional Technology staff and test administrators/coordinators and teachers via FAX at Fax # 863-647-4737 or scan the forms via email.
Complete the electronic Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for each test administrator and participating teachers.
Here is a checklist for Field Test Preparation
District enrollment has been uploaded using the Classroom Enrollment Tool (CET)
Bulk Users form is completed and submitted
All approvals are signed and submitted
Teachers and Network Managers have completed the electronic Security Forms.
Parents have signed and returned Release Forms
All computers have SECURE TESTER
Headphones are ready for students
All training is complete
We conducted item try-outs last fall and gathered some helpful information. The field testing of these items is our last and largest opportunity to gather item-level data as we prepare for the release of the IBTP
(Item Bank Test Platform) in time for the 2014-15 school year.
Thank you for assisting us as we prepare for the release of the IBTP and its contents to Florida’s public school districts. If you have additional questions regarding the Florida Performing Fine Arts Assessment Project or the Field Test, please use the contact information on
Field Test Information document.
For more information, please contact:
Mary Grace Gordon
Project Manager
RTTT Performing Fine Arts Assessment
863-647-4728 Project phone
NOTE: This information was developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.