RTTT Performing Fine Arts Test Maps
The test map is the document that outlines the test with the actual items chosen. The map should be reviewed for:
Difficulty – not too many items in a row that are very difficult.
Key – a pattern of correct answers would be something to avoid. For example: all A, A, A, A or A, B, C, D
Item Type – mix up the Selected Response, Short Answer and Essay items in order to avoid test fatigue.
Be sure to:
Start with one or two easy items.
Have a range of DOK levels.
Avoid putting all the hard items at the end.
Intersperse difficult items with easy items.
Avoid putting two Constructed Response (Extended Response or Essay and Short Answer) items together.
Avoid putting Constructed Response (Extended Response or Short Answer) items in one of the bottom five slots.
Have a variety of benchmarks.
Spread out benchmarks.
Avoid having more than three of any one key in a row.
Avoid having a pattern for the correct answer (key) - A, B, C, D
Have evenly balanced keys if possible.
IMPORTANT: Test maps should be reviewed by experts before creating the tests.
Completing a TEST MAP for Responding Part A of the Field Test
It is suggested that you create two (2) forms for each course. Use different items in each form. The Yellow Row is an example.
The Course name and # is the same for each item.
The Grade Level is the same for each item.
The Sequence is the order of your items – 1 is the first item, 2 is the second item, etc.
Unique Item Number (UIN) in the Test Platform/Item Bank. Follow the BLUEPRINT TO CHOOSE YOUR ITEMS.
Leave Common Core Standard blank.
Enter the NGSSS Benchmark #.
If the Grade band is 912, 9 is the Lower and 12 is the Upper.
Item Type: SR for Selected Response (Multiple Choice), SA for Short Answer, ER for Extended Response (Essay).
Key is the Selected Response correct answer.
DOK is the Depth of Knowledge: 1 is Recall, 2 is Skill/Concept, 3 is Strategic Thinking, 4 is Extended Thinking. 4 is only used for Performance Tasks.
Leave Primary Standard blank.
Leave Secondary Standard blank.
Max Points: 1 for Selected Response, 2 for Short Answer, 4 for Extended Response.
Media Audio: Yes/No
Media Video: Yes/No
Media Graphic: Yes/No
Associated Passage: This space is used for Performance Tasks.
Leave Associated Passage Audio.
Below is a blank form for your Test Map:
NOTE: This document was developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.