RTTT Performing Fine Arts Assessment Project

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Artistic Process

What are the Content Areas for the Performing Fine Arts?

Florida Performing Fine Arts content areas include dance, music, and theatre. 

What is the Artistic Process?

Arts education consists of experiences in three interrelated artistic activities: responding, performing, and creating, known as the ARTISTIC PROCESS.  Students involved in these activities gain knowledge about the arts, refine their perceptual and expressive skills, and make and justify judgments about works of art.
  • Responding to artistic works and performances.
  • Performing an existing work with understanding/interpretation.
  • Creating a new artistic work.
- Framework for NAEP, Washington, Kentucky, & other state assessments used Artistic Process model


What will the assessments measure?

The NGSSS specify the core content knowledge and skills that K-12 public school students are expected to acquire in subject areas including Performing Fine Arts.  The NGSSS benchmarks identify what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level for each subject area.
However, not all benchmarks are created “equal!”  Florida Performing Fine Arts teachers have weighted and categorized the benchmarks:  some are “essential,” some are “important,” and some are “nice-to-know.”  Therefore, the benchmarks that are essential to learning will have more prominence on the assessment.

What happens in the Performing Fine Arts Classroom?

Based on our Florida survey of teachers and the NAEP assessment, Performing Fine Arts educators spend more time in their classroom on Performing activities.  The Florida Performing Fine Arts Assessment will reflect what happens in Dance, Music and Theatre classrooms.  The Test Blueprints are based on this premise.

How will we know what is on the Performing Fine Arts test?

Florida Performing Fine Arts educators have developed item specifications for responding, performing and creating test items. Teachers will be able to see a template that shows the unpacking of the benchmarks and a sample question that measures mastery of the benchmark.  

How will Performing Fine Arts Assessment be administered?

The Florida Department of Education has engaged NCS Pearson, Inc. (SchoolNet), as the current EOC contractor responsible for development, administration, and scoring activities.
The responding section and the performing section of the Performing Fine Arts Assessment will be administered through the Pearson test platform.  

Will the assessment include Performing Tasks? 

The performance task portion, where the student will actively demonstrate mastery through performance, is currently under construction.  The student will perform “prepared tasks” and “on-demand tasks,” as well as creating works of their own through improvisation, writing, composing or designing.
The Performing Fine Arts Assessment is dedicated to ensuring that the dance, music and theatre exams are valid, reliable, and directly reflect the processes in the Performing Fine Arts classrooms across the State of Florida.

NOTE: This information was developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.