RTTT Performing Fine Arts Assessment Project

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Here are the NGSSS documents for the Arts:   NGSSS Arts Full       NGSSS Content Areas by Grade Level

 What are the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS)?
NGSSS in Dance, Music and Theatre address the whole student artist with an eye to each individual student’s future.  Standards are the academic expectations for student achievement and include 1. Core content of curriclula, 2.  Core content knowledge, and 3. Core content skills that K-12 public school students are expected to acquire.  Standards are organized into “Big Ideas.”

What are Big Ideas? 

Big Ideas are the major organizing point for arts education in Florida.  Big Ideas provide a broad overview of what students should know and be able to do.  Big Ideas are organized into “Enduring Understandings.”

What are Enduring Understandings? 

Enduring Understandings provide a more focused view of arts education and targeted understanding for Florida students.  Enduring Understandings enable arts teachers to identify or design Essential Questions for planning purposes.

What are Benchmarks? 

Benchmarks explicitly describe what students should know and be able to do in Dance, Music and Theatre.  Benchmarks are specific and measurable.  The disciplines of Dance, Music and Theatre are considered to be “Hard-to-measure” content areas.
Number of NGSSS Benchmarks in Dance, Music and Theatre
  K 1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9-12 Total
Dance 19 23 26 33 38 44 60 72 315
Music 20 24 24 27 30 33 47 48 253
Theatre 18 21 23 29 34 39 66 102 332
TOTAL 57 68 73 89 102 116 173 222 900

What are the numbers and letters in the Benchmarks?

Each NGSSS Benchmark is labeled with a system of numbers and letters. 
  • The first two letters identify the Discipline:  DA – Dance;  MU – Music; and TH – Theatre.
  • The number in the third position is the Grade Level:  K – Kindergarten, 1 – First Grade, 2 – Second Grade, etc.; 68 – Sixth through Eighth Grade; 912 – Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade.
  • The letter in the fourth position represents the Big Idea: C  - CRITICAL THINKING, S – SKILLS, O - ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE, H - HISTORICAL CONNECTIONS, and F – FUTURE.
  • The fifth number is the Enduring Understanding:  see below.
Big Idea C  - CRITICAL THINKING and REFLECTION: Critical and creative thinking, self-expression, and communication with others are central to the arts. 
Enduring Understanding C.1 Cognition and reflection are required to appreciate, interpret, and create with artistic intent.
Enduring Understanding C.2 Assessing our own and others’ artistic work, through critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making, is central to artistic growth.
Enduring Understanding C.3 The processes of critiquing works of art lead to development of critical- thinking skills transferable to other contexts.
Big Idea S - SKILLS, TECHNIQUES, and PROCESSES: Through dance, music, theatre, and visual art, students learn that beginners, amateurs, and professionals benefit from working to improve and maintain skills over time.
Enduring Understanding S.1 The arts are inherently experiential and actively engage learners in the processes of creating, interpreting, and responding to art.
Enduring Understanding S.2 Development of skills, techniques, and processes in the arts strengthens our ability to remember, focus on, process, and sequence information.
Enduring Understanding S.3 Through purposeful practice, artists learn to manage, master, and refine simple, then complex, skills and techniques.
Big Idea O - ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: Works in dance, music, theatre, and visual art are organized by elements and principles that guide creators, interpreters, and responders.
Enduring Understanding O.1 Understanding the organizational structure of an art form provides a foundation for appreciation of artistic works and respect for the creative process.
Enduring Understanding O.2 The structural rules and conventions of an art form serve as both a foundation and departure point for creativity.
Enduring Understanding O.3 Every art form uses its own unique language, verbal and non-verbal, to document and communicate with the world. 
Big Idea H - HISTORICAL and GLOBAL CONNECTIONS: Experiences in the arts foster understanding, acceptance, and enrichment among individuals, groups, and cultures from around the world and across time.
Enduring Understanding H.1 Through study in the arts, we learn about and honor others and the world in which they live(d).
Enduring Understanding H.2 The arts reflect and document cultural trends and historical events, and help explain how new directions in the arts have emerged. Enduring Understanding H.3 Connections among the arts and other disciplines strengthen learning and the ability to transfer knowledge and skills to and from other fields.
Big Idea F - INNOVATION, TECHNOLOGY, and the FUTURE: Curiosity, creativity, and the challenges of artistic problems drive innovation and adaptation of new and emerging technologies.
Enduring Understanding F.1 Creating, interpreting, and responding in the arts stimulate the imagination and encourage innovation and creative risk-taking.
Enduring Understanding F.2 Careers in and related to the arts significantly and positively impact local and global economies.
Enduring Understanding F.3 The 21st-century skills necessary for success as citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy are embedded in the study of the arts.
  • The sixth number is the specific Benchmark.
NOTE: This information was developed under a grant from the U. S. Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.