Students With Disabilities
Erin Simpson-Krar
I had a student for two years in a row in Visual Art 1 and 2-D Studio Art who has dyslexia. He had trouble with any reading or writing in the class. I would read aloud any instructions and make sure to give visual examples as much as possible. For answering questions in class, students could often work in groups. I would give groups small dry erase boards, so they could discuss and have someone record. He could participate in the discussions and other students could record the group's answers. I also used the "reduced assignment" accommodation with him--written answers could be shorter or just cover part of the assignment. I also took verbal answers, but he liked to blend in and do the same thing his peers were doing. He did well in class--especially on the art projects. |
Tools and Strategies
Erin Simpson-Krar
2. Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your art classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
In my school, the students have school-issued iPads. I am so fortunate to have this resource for my students with disabilities. I had a student this past year who was recently diagnosed with ASD and placed in the ESE program. He was not socially mature enough to handle the usual class for his grade level, so he was placed in a class with students 1-2 years younger. Unfortunately, that class is only a semester and he had to repeat the same class twice. To keep him from getting bored, I gave him alternative assignments, and he was able to use an iPad to look at instructions and examples. It allowed him to do something different from his peers in a way that was subtle and respectful. |
Assessment of Learning
Erin Simpson-Krar
Last year, I had a young lady with a specific learning disability. She created beautiful art and was successful in the course, but she did need some accommodations. For her, I would repeat and clarify directions one-on-one, and I would provide extra time. She sometimes took projects home to finish or work on them while other students were working on something else. |