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Alex Drucker

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Students with Disabilities

Alex Drucker
Alex Drucker
I have had a student in my chorus class for the last few years who has a physical disability with her hands and occasionally would have issues holding her music, writing in her music, or sometimes even holding a pencil to write in general. I do have my students analyze and write things in their music frequently, really on a daily basis, so this was something that we needed to figure out simple solutions that would not lessen her learning. So when issues with her hands were to arise, she would utilize one of the music stands in the room to hold her music in front of her, and she was always sat around students who friendly together, so after they were to do whatever analyzing and writing in their own music, my student would tell their friend what she wanted them to write and they would simply do the notating for her in the music. On occasion she would walk over to me at my piano with questions and I would get her to give me correct answers and I would write them in her music for her as well. Thankfully once our music is completely learned and memorized they no longer need to write in or hold their music, so after the first month or so of having new music, she was able to do everything else the rest of the time free of her physical disability.
Students with Disabilities

Alex Drucker
Alex Drucker
  • Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to describe the specific technology and how it assisted the student with a disability.

I had a student with more than one disability in my musical theater class, one being that he was wheelchair-bound, the other was a mental disability. He was the nicest, most outgoing and enthusiastic student in the class, and even if he wasn't the "best" at what we did, he enjoyed every minute of it and everyone else was supportive of him. Whenever it was time to perform in front of the class, he would occasionally forget words or get confused for one reason or another. So when I would play the background tracks for everyone's performances, I played a karaoke version for him where it also shows the song lyrics and I put it up on the projector screen for him. He would try not to use it, but glanced at it whenever necessary. He appreciated it, his performances always went well, and everyone else was very understanding.
Students with Disabilities

Alex Drucker
Alex Drucker
  • Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

In my music classes I had a student who had a disability with her hands and being able to write. When given any form of written assessment, if she was able to hold a pencil she would always try to do it herself. In the rare occurrence that she was unable to complete it herself, I would have her come into my office, with the same assessment, and verbally tell me the answers to each of the questions and I would mark them on the paper for her.

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