Students With Disabilities
Jerylin Florimonte
Think of a student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
I currently have a 7th grade student with Autism. He is very interested in art and history (specifically history about wars and the Titanic). Often times, his disability prevents him from staying focused for long times and meeting project criteria. In addition, he is absent from school for weeks at a time and often times behind with his assignments. I have successfully accommodated his disability by providing movement breaks and fidget toys. I have modified assignment criteria so that he has more choice with materials and can be successful with assignments. I have printed out Grade Checks for him and allowed for extra time in class for him to work on assignments he hasn't completed. Sending assignments home was not successful - the assignment would come back to class in his backpack unfinished. Providing extra time in class and repeating/clarifying assignment criteria and process with direct instruction has been successful. |
Tools and Strategies
Jerylin Florimonte
Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of student with a disability in your art classroom. Be sure to identify the specific technology and the student's disability.
I currently have a student with an Orthopedic Disability which affects his fine motor skills, especially so with using pencil/marker and writing. The students at my school are issued school laptops to use at school and at home. My student has used his laptop to create artwork for assignments as an alternative to using pencils, markers, and paper. He has more control using the pencil and marker selections on a digital media program and was successful with the artworks he has created. Additionally, when writing an Art Critique using a guided worksheet in class, he used Microsoft Word to type his responses rather than hand write them. He was successful with the writing assignment and using a word processing program was also more time efficient for him. |
Assessment of Learning
Jerylin Florimonte
Think of an art student with a disability you have now (or have had in the past). Identify their disability. Review the Alternative Assessment Checklist and select two or more options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her visual arts learning. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
I currently have a student with Specific Learning Disabilities. When assessing his visual arts projects (art projects, written art critiques, quizzes, tests) I provide extra time as needed, check for understanding, and chunk the lesson into smaller parts. These accommodations are part of his IEP and help him achieve success. |