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Andrew Hoffman

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Students With Disabilities

Andrew Hoffman
Andrew Hoffman
ADHD seems to be the student disability I see in my middle school art classes the most. Having these students work with peers is a huge help. I keep supplies at one end of the room so students are able to get up and choose the supplies they need and bring supplies to the table for others to share. This allows them to get up and move about when necessary. The yelling across the classroom, not being able to focus on the task and distracting others from completing their work tends to be the greatest issues I have with these students. However, I find when I stand over their desks and demonstrate, or ask about their work, they tend to regain their focus and can complete a task. There are times when I've raised my voice but this is not a longterm solution. Engaging them in conversation and asking them to assist in the classroom helps to keep the motivation alive.
Tools and Strategies

Andrew Hoffman
Andrew Hoffman
2. Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your art classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

I had a student in my middle school art class who recently went through hand surgery. She went to occupational therapy to work on her muscle movements and dexterity but still had a terrible time holding/controlling a pencil or paintbrush. We were creating work exclamations artwork (the kind of WOW! or POW! you'd see in comic books) and students needed to include at least three shapes to support their word. My student was having difficulty with creating stars and was becoming frustrated. I had her take out her Iphone and asked her to go to her Texting app. Once there, she could click on an app called, Digital Touch. Using this feature, she could practice making stars with her finger indefinitely, or at least until she practiced enough to where she was ready to put graphite on her finger and draw stars for her project.
Assessment of Learning

Andrew Hoffman
Andrew Hoffman
  • Describe an example of adapted assessment you have successfully used in the fine arts classroom for students with disabilities.

I had a student in my classroom who was severely colorblind. His limitation of what colors he could see made my color wheel lesson a real challenge. Instead of completing a worksheet assessment by coloring in the color wheel, complementary colors, analogous colors, etc., I adapted his worksheet assessment where he could write the colors instead. As for the artwork he completed over the course of the semester, he worked with black, white and gray values and got to understand highlights and contrast very well.

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