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D. Fernandez

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Students With Disabilities

D. Fernandez
D. Fernandez
Thinking of a student I had with a hearing disability and on the Autism Spectrum. She was very sensitive to loud noises and would jump out of her seat if I was showing a video on the large Smartboard prior to my lecture. I believe that turning the light off was another contributing factor in her case. It was difficult for her to focus and it also interfered with the other students in the class. I had to make sure that I would show any 2-3 minute video of Artists before she came in to my class with her group of 10. The 10 would join my 40 and we would continue our lesson. I would then accommodate her, along with the rest of group by providing visual examples on their desks and reteaching what I discussed with the rest of class in a small group setting. This resulted in the best outcome for both groups.
Students With Disabilities

D. Fernandez
D. Fernandez
The two strategies that I would attempt to implement in my classroom would be the Peer Partners and the Cooperative Learning. I have a group of 10 and 40 students with 2 Paraprofessionals. The levels of their disabilities vary and I believe that it would be effective to use the Peer Partners with 4 or 5 of my small group students. Most of my lessons include the Art History along with the technique of each artist. Upon completion of a lesson (lecture) I will be able to pair up students with those students who are my "A" students and would love to have an opportunity to teach. I do have a group of students who are aspiring Teachers. This gives them a chance to gain experience in teaching. I would love to see the results from the student teaching as opposed to the Paraprofessional help. I believe this will be a win-win for everyone involved.
Tools And Strategies

D. Fernandez
D. Fernandez
I use a smart board for all of my lessons. This gives the student an opportunity to see Artist's work and also to view the illustrations the Teacher is drawing step-by-step.

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