Students With Disabilities
Nicole Carpenter
I had an OI student in a wheelchair who was in my photography classes. I had her in Photo 1- AP. I teach my photography class as a hybrid digital and traditional class. She had no issues in the classroom and working on the computers for the digital sections, but in the darkroom we had to made some changes to make it work for her. First, I got a mobile computer desk and I adjusted the height for her wheelchair - I then moved one of my enlargers onto it. This allowed her access to the machine and she was able to print the images. We always work in groups in the darkroom some one person actually puts the prints into the chemicals and another watches the time and calls for movement between the chemicals. This setup allowed her to be very successful in my classes and she made a beautiful AP portfolio in her senior year. |
Tools and Strategies
Nicole Carpenter
Strategies that could be implemented in my classroom are Cornell Notes and Venn Diagrams. Cornell Notes can help a student with disabilities to chunk the information and the summary process at the end can solidify the concepts they are working on for that lesson. Venn Diagram are a great visual way to help students see the similarities and differences in topics we are studying - it minimizes the emphasis on writing out the responses and instead helps make the concepts more concrete by visually placing the concepts in different locations in the circles. |
Assessment of Learning
Nicole Carpenter
I had a student with autism who was a perfectionist. He absolutely refused to turn in work - even work that was already demonstrating mastery - until he was satisfied with it. We built a system that allowed him to use extra time outside of class (with materials he borrowed from the classroom) to make final adjustments before submitting the work with no late penalty. This allowed him to stay focused on the new projects we were starting in class and still feel like he was submitting his best work. |