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Forrest S. Hartmann

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Students with Disabilities

Forrest S. Hartmann
Forrest S. Hartmann
I have had a number of students with Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities and my admin team and I had to create different goal setting tools and objectives for that student to follow in order to maintain proper expectations in class. Many times, my one on one involvement, attention to detail, and relationship building with that student helped immensely. I've also taught many ASD learners as well and have had many instances where I've had to differentiate and modify lessons in order to ensure that the student was being challenged enough as well as being able to keep up with the pacing of the classroom environment. Usually I'll gave spare music that I find to be a level or two above the average that I'll provide for those students to keep them engaged.
Tools and Strategies

Forrest S. Hartmann
Forrest S. Hartmann
My strategies include peer partners and graphic organizers. I use peer partners on a daily basis in order to have my older learners assist my younger band members. This typically helps after a concept is taught because it gives the learner a chance to gain additional one-on-one support. My learners play in groups of 5 or so in cover bands so this opens the door for m0re opportunities for peer-lead instruction. Another strategy I use are graphic organizers. I use graphic organizers to convey and organize chord charts, patterns, music notation, and key terms. I find that many of my learners enjoy having access to visual aids.
Assessment of Learning

Forrest S. Hartmann
Forrest S. Hartmann
All of the assessments I give in class vary from paper-based to computer-based to playing tests. In order to identify and determine formative assessments I usually identify key objectives within the unit and give the above assessments based on the content. For instance, if I need a student to play a specific riff to demonstrate mastery they will play it on their guitar. If I need a student to show me they understand how a chord is built I'll have them write them out on paper. Lastly, I use resources like musictheory.net to assess all of my learners at once using a digital application.

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