Tools and Strategies
Margaret Holland
Modeling, routines, centers, and technology are useful strategies for my room as I am sure everyone else's room. I model everything from how to come in to my room to how to get and put away instruments and we practice. That way there is no question as to how everything is done in my room and it is consistent. The routines I have in place for my class flow helps those students who have transition/behavior problems. They know when we first come in we practice the staff then we move to rhythm reading and then we put them together in another activity. I use centers towards the end of a unit to help enhance the learning but it also give students a chance to work together if needed or on their own. It's my goal to make the feel like although they are doing high risk tasks ie; singing, dancing or playing and instrument it doesn't feel so risky. |
Students with Disabilities
Margaret Holland
I have a 4th grade who is hyper active and has explosive anger disorder. Transitions are often times challenging and as well as content delivery. We have made an agreement that although they can sit in the last row (row 3) They need to sit in the middle and instead of a dot on the floor I give them a bigger space for them to occupy during instruction delivery they can, they can stand or stretch out, or sit in their knees. I have noticed that their class peers always blame them for anything that goes wrong in class, which fustrights me, so I can only imagine what that student is feeling. During transition times I have them pick up their area mat and be my unofficial helper just to avoid the false blaming. What makes this sadder is that the class as a whole doesn't realize that they are bullying that student when they do this. |
Assessment of Learning
Margaret Holland
I had a student who had physical issues in their left hand, so when testing various songs on recorder that wasn't very conducive to that students playing. Normally I would have students play with left hand on top when playing recorders but obviously they couldn't. If we were doing notes I allowed them to play with their right hand (so they had a chance to play recorder with their class mates, when we moved on to more notes I had bought a Pbuzz. This is another instrument that students can slide to different notes and doesn't necessarily have to move fingers, or he could play the rhythms tell me the notes that they would be playing. |