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Michele Cole

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Students with Disabilities

Michele Cole
Michele Cole
I currently have a student who is VI. Her VI teacher comes in once a week to assist her with learning braille. For videos or any multimedia, we allow her to sit by the computer, rather than the big screen. Her copies of worksheets or paper based tests are enlarged. She also uses some assistive technology when she feels she needs it.
Tools and Strategies

Michele Cole
Michele Cole
I use peer partners (sectional leaders) in my choral classroom. This allows students with a more advanced level of proficiency the opportunity to mentor and assist others. I also use peer partners in my piano keyboarding class. Often, I have found that having a student re-explain a concept to another is more effective than me re-instructing them.

I also use graphic organizers, particularly when learning the history behind a song. One song we are working on is "The Drinking Gourd" by Andre Thomas. I've asked the students to explain what they know about map songs and how they were used in slavery times. For my students, this has helped with their expression. I also use technology by way of Google Classroom. The songs are recorded on the class site for them to practice at home. Since their voice part is recorded, they can receive immediate feedback by hearing if they've sung it correctly or not.
Assessment of Learning

Michele Cole
Michele Cole
I had a student who was out for 6 weeks due to surgery. I allowed him to borrow a keyboard. His family recorded him playing and I was able to assess his skills that way.

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