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regina register

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Students with Disabilities

regina register
regina register
I am currently teaching a student with a hearing disability in one of my keyboard classes. I admire him so much because he does not allow the disability to deter his desire to learn a piece. In the first week of school, he quietly asked me to re-explain a concept directly to his face in order to understand all of my words. From that point, I knew that he needed to be close to the board when I am explaining new concepts, and that I would need to face him while instructing the class. He has been a joy to have in my class and to watch his progress in playing the piano/keyboards!
Tools and Strategies

regina register
regina register
One way that I have used technology in the keyboard classroom is a "Music Theory Tutor" Program. The website is free and I have had several students with slow learning disabilities to experience success in understanding music theory concepts. By allowing these students to take turns at the classroom computer, they are able to practice specific concepts(example: measuring distance of intervals) over and over until they experience mastery.
Tools and Strategies

regina register
regina register
Michele Cole wrote:
I use peer partners (sectional leaders) in my choral classroom. This allows students with a more advanced level of proficiency the opportunity to mentor and assist others. I also use peer partners in my piano keyboarding class. Often, I have found that having a student re-explain a concept to another is more effective than me re-instructing them.

I also use graphic organizers, particularly when learning the history behind a song. One song we are working on is "The Drinking Gourd" by Andre Thomas. I've asked the students to explain what they know about map songs and how they were used in slavery times. For my students, this has helped with their expression. I also use technology by way of Google Classroom. The songs are recorded on the class site for them to practice at home. Since their voice part is recorded, they can receive immediate feedback by hearing if they've sung it correctly or not.
Tools and Strategies

regina register
regina register
Michele Cole wrote:
I use peer partners (sectional leaders) in my choral classroom. This allows students with a more advanced level of proficiency the opportunity to mentor and assist others. I also use peer partners in my piano keyboarding class. Often, I have found that having a student re-explain a concept to another is more effective than me re-instructing them.

I also use graphic organizers, particularly when learning the history behind a song. One song we are working on is "The Drinking Gourd" by Andre Thomas. I've asked the students to explain what they know about map songs and how they were used in slavery times. For my students, this has helped with their expression. I also use technology by way of Google Classroom. The songs are recorded on the class site for them to practice at home. Since their voice part is recorded, they can receive immediate feedback by hearing if they've sung it correctly or not.
Tools and Strategies

regina register
regina register
Hi, Michele, I saw that you are using Google Classroom and uploading audio files for your students to practice. Does the Google Classroom have a limit to the number of audio files that can be uploaded during the year? I want to change over to the Google Classroom, but I post a lot of files. Let me know...Thanks! Regina
Assessment of Learning

regina register
regina register
I have a vocal student who struggles with writing skills. He takes his written quizzes with me face to face and answers the questions orally. He has been successful with this format of assessment.

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