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Adam Koppin

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Students with Disabilities

Adam Koppin
Adam Koppin
I just started at my current school in September, a few weeks after school began. I raised a lot of money and was able to buy 30 soprano ukuleles that I use in my 2nd grade through 5th grade classes. I have one student that has an orthopedic impairment. She was born with no fingers on her left hand, but she does have a small thumb. Her right hand is normal. She would not be able to play a right handed ukulele, so I had the music store re-string the ukulele to make it a left handed ukulele. That's her ukulele. When the other students grab an ukulele from the tree, she gets hers out and is able to do everything everyone else is able to do.
Tools and Strategies

Adam Koppin
Adam Koppin
I have use the Mnemonic devices to help memorize classroom rules. MUSIC is an acronym for 1) Make good choices; 2) Use good manners; 3) Speak, sing or play only when given permisssion; 4) Involve yourself in all activities; 5) Care for all of the instruments. As well as using a mneomic device for the rules, I have implemented whole brain teaching movements to go along with them. Early in the year, students will struggle to remember the rule, but will remember the motion, which helps to bring it to mind.
I also have used Chaining to teach younger students new songs. I sing a song and ask them to tell me what the last word was. The second time through I allow them to sing the last word with me. Then I will ask what word rhymed with whatever the last word is, and then give them permission to sing both of those words. I'll continue by asking context questions like "Where did the bear get stung?" (On his knee) and then give them permission to sing that word too. By that point the students have heard the new song about 6 times, learned all of the words, and can sing the whole piece.
Assessment of Learning

Adam Koppin
Adam Koppin
I had a student in a self contained ESE class that tracked along very well in class. During the end of the year test, I read the questions to her and she was able to come up with the answers on her own.

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