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Shannon Hull

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Tools and Strategies

Shannon Hull
Shannon Hull
I have assisted students with visual impairments is by using technology. I use my computer and projector various music lessons, specifically with PowerPoint presentations.. Various students have a hard time seeing things on paper so projecting the concept helps them visualize things much larger. The PowerPoint will also include sounds and videos. There is a computer game that I use that helps students to learn the names of the instruments in various musical families. The game allows me to choose a setting that allows the students to work in teams. The teamwork is another way for the impaired student to enhance their own disability.
Students with Disabilities

Shannon Hull
Shannon Hull
I currently have a young lady that is considered Visually Impaired which makes reading music/rhythms extremely difficult for her. She learns best by peer-tutoring with a strong singer in the class who helps her through rote instruction. When we include creative movement in our lesson, she stands and moves inside a hula-hoop. Her feet touch the edge of the hoop so she knows her "bubble" of space and stays safe.
Assessment of Learning

Shannon Hull
Shannon Hull
I currently teach a student with a visual disability. When we did a rhythm reading assessment, I displayed the notes with my projector for the student. This also helped other students who struggle with staying on task. As each student took their turn clapping the rhythm, the other students remained focused and listening, waiting for their turn.

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