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Heidi Evans

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Tools and Strategies

Heidi Evans
Heidi Evans
Choice One RE: Middle School Musical Theatre:
Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address a student with a disabilities needs.

Note: I have a student who cannot speak yet uses sign language. Therefore, the use of solfege hand signals is used to support the student’s need to connect with musical tones that the entire class practices to first learn a song for an audition. This creates UD (Universal Design) for learning.

The two teaching strategies that I choose are Tiered Lessons and Differentiated Learning.
Tiered Lessons – Preparing for an Audition
Goals: In two weeks the students will work individually or in small groups (duets, trios, or quartets) to win a role in a musical. After two weeks of practice in class, the student will use the learned tools to audition.
Instruction: “Bringing the script to life”
1. Reading aloud the lines
2. Reading aloud with expression
3. Reading aloud and in front of the class with expression
4. Reading aloud and in front of the class with expression and interaction with another (other) student(s)
5. Blocking rehearsed movement in a staging area with expression and a small group
6. Memorizing the lines and music associated with the scene
7. Performing the lines and music to the class and/or an audience.
The instructor will role model the acting, staging and singing parts to be matched by the individual student. Students will also see videos of the performance in class and use props to enhance the scene.

Differentiated Assignments – Creating a deeper understanding of the role

· Students who win the audition will be given the assignment to look up information in-depth about their character and be knowledgeable about their back story.

· Students who choose not to audition will have the responsibility to score each auditionee using the goals provided and studied during the two weeks of practice.
Tools and Strategies

Heidi Evans
Heidi Evans
Just joined....hopefully my message went through?.
Happy New Year!smile

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