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Richard West

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Students with Disabilities

Richard West
Richard West
I have a student who is autistic and has troubles working and transitioning in a regular environment. In the past, the student would have melt downs and could not get past them. This student loves art and enjoys sharing his creations with myself and others. Last year, he has been coming with a para and has clear rules for what is expected. As part of the routine in art class, the student gets to share something he has drawn or created with me or the class. Also, to help with accomplishing task, a clear set of instructions are given and lessons are given in "short burst" Furthermore, when the project or task is completed, the student will show it to me and we will sit and discuss together about his the project. The student will discuss with me his project and I offer positive praise and some suggestions on things that may want to be tried. If the student misses something or does not understand, the para or some of the classmates are their to help. This student has been taught and stull is working on how to cope with the melt down times, which, are now, few and far between. In addition, for working in his special are classes, time is given in his classroom to work on something the students likes, such as Legos or other things.
Tools And Strategies

Richard West
Richard West
Recently, in my classroom, I have been using iPads and the program Nearpod. Nearpod is a interactive presentation program for students to learn about and idea or a concept. I will use nearpod to present a lesson and have students answer questions, draw, take a poll or other activities which can be used in nearpod. Using this program, puts the information right in front of the student. Additionally, students can interact with the program by completing various task set by the teacher. Also, students can be set to use nearpod on a self paced lesson. For a student with a disability, this allows him or her complete the task on their own pace or be able to go through it with someone else. The iPads/ nearpod allow student to have a tactile approach to learning, due to students being able to take part in the lesson as opposed to the teacher lecturing in front of the classroom.
Assessment of Learning

Richard West
Richard West
One of the things I do for assessment in my classroom is Gallery Walks. I have noticed this works well for my students who ADD or ADHD. This activity allows them to get up and move around and see other students artworks and rate it. In a gallery walk, we will discuss and write 3-4 things we need to look for in the artwork and write them on the board. Each item is given a color and students are asked to judge the artworks which best used the items written on the board. After walking, looking and judging the artwork. Student are put in charge of discussing about the works. A small stuffed animal is tossed around the room to each table. Whoever has the animal has the floor. That student is charge. He or she discusses and takes questions from other students. The students with ADD or ADHD love it, because they want the stuffed animal and share their thoughts and be in charge. In order to be fair, each table must receive the animal and it must go to someone else who has not had a chance to speak.

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