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Gina LaVere

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Students with Disabilities

Gina LaVere
Gina LaVere
I have had many students with varying disabilities in choir over the years, but this year I have a student who has limited hearing. This student was very up front about her hearing loss and how she just loves to sing and was always worrying about what sounds she made. I put her mind at ease by working individually with her on the solfege curwen signs and singing close to her the major scale. When we work on sight reading in class I model by singing and signing at the same time. it was great for her because she felt more confident in what she was singing by seeing the curwen signs.
Tools and Strategies

Gina LaVere
Gina LaVere
The way I use technology in the classroom that has helped students with disabilities is a program called smart music/sight reading factory. This is an online program that lets students record the task at hand at home or in the privacy of a rehearsal room in the classroom. it has unlimited tries and I always give several weeks to complete.
Differentiated Assignments in my choir class is basically what I do every day in class. Students are placed in sections and we have section leaders who help any student who is in need. we also have "student helpers" who have choir as a second class and give individual attention to students who need more time on a section we are singing.
I like the idea of the Learning Contract. I believe this gives all students a goal at the beginning to strive for and can look periodically to see where they are and if they need assistance.

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