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C Touchton

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Students with Disabilities

C Touchton
C Touchton
I have a student that deals with a brain injury that doesn't allow him to process information as fast as the other students. He is a percussionist. I modify his part by simplifying rhythms for his instrument(s). I also have a peer student assist him with his entrances so that he can find success on his part. If it allows, I will adjust those rhythms to be more complex if the student is learning the part. This gives him the educational challenge he needs and the opportunity to progress in his learning.
Tools and Strategies

C Touchton
C Touchton
I had a student that had difficulty with their sight. In learning new repertoire, I would provide the music and it's recording through the use of SmartMusic. The student could listen to the part and practice with the practice track to learn the part. The student would be given extra time to solidify their part so that when added to the full ensemble it would make audible sense and both student and ensemble found musical success in playing the various pieces.
Assessment of Learning

C Touchton
C Touchton
A student was unable to play their music for a month due to an injury. In order to assess their understanding of the music and its concepts, I adjusted their summative assessment to accommodate the injury. Instead of playing the instrument, the student tapped and counted the rhythms required of their part. Also, the student told me the names of each note they had to play in the music. This allowed me to assess their understanding of the music until they were able to perform it on the given instrument.

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