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Carina Conaway

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Students With Disabilities

Carina Conaway
Carina Conaway
I have had several students with multiple types of disabilities, but one I can think of in particular is a student who had an autism spectrum disorder which enabled his ability to communicate fully and/or create the class assignments to the same level of difficulty as the class he was in, but to help with this I have him work with his fellow peers in class and complete "group" projects. He gets assistance and learns how to work with others, while having the opportunity to engage and do as well.
Tools and Strategies

Carina Conaway
Carina Conaway
Task cards would be a great addition to my classroom as a resource for students in their learning/discovery stages. I think being able to break down the lesson for all learners and the multiple strategies/steps in their artistic process provides adequate pacing and a good use of connection from the materials previously taught.
I do use our classroom laptops quite often, with visuals and videos linked for students who need more examples of the projects/steps we are learning about, so I think continuing to do so is an effective way to reach multiple learners.
Assessment of Learning

Carina Conaway
Carina Conaway
I used exit slips often for students to quickly respond to a prompt that usually reflects a task or a response. Using this method I am easily able to see what information/idea they comprehended and/or allows me to readjusts for the next day’s steps/process in their unit.

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