Students with Disabilities
Brittany Elliott
I had a group of students with visual impairments last year. I would modify their materials so that they could touch and feel their designs. Clay is obviously the best tool for this, but I was pleasantly surprised at how effective paper was for these students. We would "draw" lines by folding paper and then they could feel the bends. Also, curling it around their fingers or folding strips worked well. I would put black mats down because most of them could see the contrast of colors against the black. These techniques kept these students engaged and were so fun that all of the students started asking if they could do their projects the same way. |
Tools And Strategies
Brittany Elliott
The first strategy is differentiating instruction for my self contained classes by varying the amount of structure needed to complete their projects and also modifying the materials I give them. Things like pre-cutting or gluing will allow them to focus more on their creative process then the technical portion. Also, using mnemonic devices for smaller kids or ones struggling with reading and writing is a great way to "note take" and learn. I have used a smart board in my class before and kids are really motivated by them. They love having the opportunity to draw something or touch and move shapes around. |
Assessment of Learning
Brittany Elliott
One way I have assessed students with visual impairments or who were not reading and writing yet was to ask them questions and let them respond verbally. Another assessment strategy I have used is to let my students choose to draw or write their answers. This was very effective in inclusion classes where some students were writing fluently and others were still learning. For example, I would give an exit ticket on the 5 types of line and some students would write their names while others would draw them and there was no pressure to do one or the other, but I was able to see if everyone understood the content. |