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Katy Polk

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Students with Disabilities

Katy Polk
Katy Polk
I used to teach elementary music. In that classroom, I had many students with disabilities. One in particular best learned when I paired her up with another student. It was beautiful to watch how they both learned by supporting each other in music. They would both play instruments together, move and dance together, and helped with almost every task. It was not a burden to the other student as it helped that student learn as well through reiterating information and repeating back how things were to be done in the classroom.
Tools and Strategies

Katy Polk
Katy Polk
I would benefit from using the peer partners strategy in the classroom. My students thrive one on one when it comes to comprehending music. They can support each other by pointing at music and direct each other in the learning of the music. I would also use mnemonic teaching in the music classroom. It helps tremendously in remembering or learning information that students already have attached ideas to. It bridges the gap of understanding.
Students with Disabilities

Katy Polk
Katy Polk
I have had students in the past with disabilities. I love using exit tickets. However, students with severe disabilities cannot always complete the task of writing/completing the exit ticket. Instead, I have had exit ticket responses up on the board or pre-written on sheets of paper for them to choose from. It allows them to still participate in the exit ticket assessment but takes out the difficult processing skills associated with their disabilities.

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