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Students with Disabilities

Mercedes Jacobson
Mercedes Jacobson
Administrator wrote:
Think of a student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
Students with Disabilities

Mercedes Jacobson
Mercedes Jacobson
Administrator wrote:
Think of a student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

Last year I had a student with emotional and behavioral disabilities. She was given reduced assignments and longer periods to complete said assignments. She was also allowed to have quiet time away when her frustration reached a certain level. During such times, she sat on a beanbag and even used a stressed ball to help her anxiety. By doing this she was able to resume the activity and was able to demonstrate her best effort and end product. The mere fact that she was allowed to do this was a comfort and safety zone for her. It was a pleasure to see the positive results.
Tools And Strategies

Mercedes Jacobson
Mercedes Jacobson
I use technology in many ways to reach my students with disabilities. Most importantly, students each have a laptop for their educational needs. There they use many programs that work at their own pace and ability. We also have a promethean board which allows the students to write their answers....even split screens to have two students write their responses and then we compare. We also use the boards to have their premade math grids when working with place value.
Assessment of Learning

Mercedes Jacobson
Mercedes Jacobson
My fifth grade student was doing a project to write another song after researching Francis Scott Key who wrote the National Anthem. My student with Aspergers was given extra time and he was able to use the Promethean to research it on there as he also had problems with his sight. He journaled a poem, as Key had done with his poem, and then he set it to a tune he made up. He had the option to do it in front of the class or videotape himself and present it to the class. He learned about history and was able to do the song. Anything artistic was of great stress to him, but this project gave him pleasure and confidence.

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