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Jeffrey Horton

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Students with Disabilities

Jeffrey Horton
Jeffrey Horton
In my time teaching, I have had several students with disabilities. One student in particular comes to mind as I work through this course. This student had a visual impairment and was enrolled in my Band 1 course. To accommodate the student I allowed them to color code the notes on new music so that she could better see. I would also enlarge the print of her music and allow her to use her own stand. This allowed her to participate fully with the ensemble, and stay on pace with the rest of the class. In the end I was able to send her music to her digitally as she was assigned a special Ipad to help enlarge items so that she could see them
Assessment of Learning

Jeffrey Horton
Jeffrey Horton
For this response I chose option 1. I had a student enrolled in my band class who was visually impaired but was a great flute player. During assessments of note and rhythmic counting, Instead if using flash cards as I would do with the other students in the class, this student was able to access this information on a tablet in enlarged form to see and submit responses. This accommodation allowed for the student to demonstrate her mastery of concepts and participate fully in class.
Tools and Strategies

Jeffrey Horton
Jeffrey Horton
I had a student who had an IEP and had sever anxiety. This made it near impossible for this student to complete pass offs on their instrument in class. I incorporated Essential Elements Online for this student to be able to use his Computer to record his playing test in a space outside the classroom with other students. This technology helped to ease his anxiety from playing alone in front of people and It allowed me to assess his playing. In addition, this technology has proven helpful to everyone in the class as is gives them visual cues on when the correct pitches are played so they know what they need to do to be successful at any given exercise.
Students with Disabilities

Jeffrey Horton
Jeffrey Horton
Over the course of my teaching, I have had several students with disabilities in the classroom. One that comes to mind in particular, suffered from Brittle bone disease. He was such a sharp kid, but the concern was on him not getting hurt. We eventually settled on percussion (mallets specifically) so that he wouldn't have to carry anything heavy or metal that could fall and injure him. He was in a wheelchair, so we settled him close to the instruments with soft mallets. Once he got the understanding of the notes he was of to the races. I modified his music to fit within an octave and 1/2 so there was no need to move his wheelchair once he set up and he was able to flourish in the band class.

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