Students with Disabilities
Maria Fombellida-Ondarra
My school offers ASD program, so some of my music classes are combined ( inclusion) with ASD students. Last year I noticed that one of my second grade ASD student was very good at organizing different things by colors, sizes and shapes. The graphic organizer strategy was perfect to teach instrument families. He was having trouble recognizing instruments just looking at pictures, so I draw a semantic map and he was able to classify all the instruments from one specific family using pictures, then when he was ready I switched the pictures for the name of the instruments (words) |
Assessment of Learning
Maria Fombellida-Ondarra
I had an ASD student in first grade with some hand movement difficulties. During a solfege lesson, students had to demonstrate curwen hand sign while singing a Mi-Sol song called "See Saw". Yellow usually stands for pitch Mi and blue stands for SOL in a hand bells set, since my first graders arre familiar with them, I made two cards for this student, one yellow and one blue so instead of using curwen hand sign this student was pointing to the color cards while singing this song using pitch syllables. |