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Jan M Johnson

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Students With Disabilities

Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson
I have taught secondary classes with student who has and emotional disability. At times, behavioral issues became disruptive to the student as well as the classroom. The behavior could keep the student (and others) off-task and unable to engage positively in the learning experience. My response as a teacher varied based on the specific situation. I noticed that academically, the student might actually do well when a task or learning opportunity was completed. Using de-escalating techniques, anticipating triggers, as well as keeping the student challenged but not frustrated, and engaged were helpful.
Tools and Strategies

Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson
Option 1: First, although I am currently working in visual arts, in the past my experiences have been with teaching language arts/English. Two instructional strategies I’ve used in the classroom included differentiated instruction (assignment choice) and modelling with organizers. In my career I’ve had a number of students with disabilities as well as students who were well behind in their academic progress. One challenge many of my students faced was the process of writing an essay. My plan included providing graphic organizers to my students and breaking down the assignment into smaller steps. I also found that modeling the process, step-by step, is a valuable way to approach building confidence. We first read together on a projector one of my previous students’ essay. Next, we worked together through the brainstorming, planning and eventually the writing process together (again on an overhead projector screen). Using that strategy provided a springboard for my students to then choose their own topic, use the graphic organizer, and produce an organized essay as a final product. Students also had an option to work with a support partner.
Assessment of Learning

Jan Johnson
Jan Johnson
I have had students with specific learning disability and a number of students with emotional disability. Thinking on one in particular, there are two accommodations I would use with assessing one of my fine arts students. I would adjust the presentation (how the student receives information on our assessment). Portfolio review and a checklist of required elements help to assess progress and guide our discussion. Using graphic organizers and step-by-step instructions during instruction and prior to assessment (chunked) may help prevent frustration which leads to emotional outbursts. They (graphic organizers) also helps the student stay organized during reflection on the assignment.

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