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Jaclyn Sparks

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Tools And Strategies

Jaclyn Sparks
Jaclyn Sparks
  • Option 2: Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

I have students that are speech impaired or have high levels of anxiety. Instead of having them present in front of the class, they are required to complete a media project to show content mastery and post to Padlet for the class to view. The, they have to complete a blog post and answer questions relating to their assignment. The questions usually ask about the process of the task, why they chose this topic, what they learned, their favorite and least favorite part of the activity, and what they would change if they had to do this again. Through these online tools, the students are still able to share their work and get their voice heard to the students through the blog post.

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