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Colin Slavin

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Students with Disabilities

Colin Slavin
Colin Slavin
I had a student that had a visual impairment in my chorus class. I provided large print copies of music and assignments for them and I allowed the to sit in their preferred seat for viewing the board. I also uploaded all of my paper assignments to a google classroom for them so they could have the option to view the assignment on their chromebook or on paper. I tried to give them many options that would allow them to be successful in all of the activities we did.
Tools and Strategies

Colin Slavin
Colin Slavin
Two of the strategies that I use would be graphic organizers and mnemonic devices. When teaching note identification mnemonic devices is especially useful. I will share with students the ones I used to learn them and then they create their own. I use graphic organizers to help the students organize different musical symbols and terms to help them remember them and recall them when they see them in their music.
Assessment of Learning

Colin Slavin
Colin Slavin
Option 1: Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the music classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion

My band has an advanced group and a developing group. Due to scheduling conflicts a student with a cognitive disability was placed in the advanced group. Each semester we have scale tests. The accomadation made for this student was that they were able to use the requirements for the developing band student group and not the advanced requirements. For example only three schedules one octave instead of 6 scales two octaves.

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