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Jennifer Allinson

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Students With Disabilities

Jennifer Allinson
Jennifer Allinson
I am actually a teacher of American Sign Langauge in high school and most of my students are hearing. They select my class as a world language credit. And obviously, it is a visual language. I had a student 2 years ago who was slowly going Deaf from Meniere's disease. She wore hearing aids and could lip read. But no one in her home signed and she was a beginner. I wore a microphone that used Bluetooth technology and it went directly in to her hearing aids so she was better able to hear me over the classroom noise. She later decided to have cochlear implant surgery and speech therapy. I used closed captioning on all videos and emailed her all of my PowerPoints for study purposes.
Tools and Strategies

Jennifer Allinson
Jennifer Allinson
I use music as part of the curriculum for American Sign Language course. I show many examples created by other ASL students and professional ASL interpreters on YouTube and other Deaf Culture websites. All of the signed conversations and songs have closed captioning too so students with hearing loss are getting the message through 2 modalities: ASL and written English.
Assessment of Learning

Jennifer Allinson
Jennifer Allinson
I teach ASL in high school as a world language choice and often students sign a song as their end of the semester project. When a student was in a cast post wrist surgery, I paired the student with a partner. The injured student did the research and translated the song lyrics into ASL word order, looked up new words using an online video dictionary and shared the translation with his partner. The partner acatually signed the piece but the injured student contribuated to the project.

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