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Helen Jones

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Students with Disabilities

Helen Jones
Helen Jones
I have a transfer student now who is triggered by loud noises....she is in band, my advanced band. This student plays oboe, and does play quite well but she cannot be in the classroom for long with my band. We worked out a system of non-verbal cues that she would give me when she needed a break from the band. If she could not get my attention, then she knew she could leave to the next room. In that room we keep a music stand and chair, so my oboe player can hear the band and play along with them, but would not be over stimulated by the direct noise.
Tools and Strategies

Helen Jones
Helen Jones
Tiered Lessons ae a great strategy to use especially within an ensemble setting. In my classes, the students are all on different levels, only one concert band, one color guard, one chorus, so being able to divide them into ability groups, at times, and assign certain tasks would work very well. Since we are now 7-12 grade, Cubing would allow me to assign certain simpler tasks to students on lower levels, and more difficult tasks to more advanced students, creating a challenge for all. For a student with disabilities, I would structure and plan for that student to receive the appropriate task for their current level and ability.
With language barriers especially, ELL’s,ESOL, Peer Partners would also work well, pairing a student with disabilities (such as language delays, and/or language barriers) with a student who is comfortable providing extra time and extra explanations when the teacher cannot. That student could help ensure that their partner understands the questions and concepts during class.
Assessment of Learning

Helen Jones
Helen Jones
In my advanced band class, I have a student now with documented social anxieties and has trouble playing in front of others. The way I handle it is to have each instrument section to play as a group first, then we have worked out a system to allow this student to record themselves alone later and submit it to me for playing tests. This way does not cause attention to the student.

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