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Sara Chambers

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Tools and Strategies

Sara Chambers
Sara Chambers
1. Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your art classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name, and describe how they could be used to address the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

Breaking Task down/Chaining Often when introducing a new task/activity I will have an assignment that exclusively practices that task. For example Griding to help a student draw more precisely. A tool that teaches everyone in some way to draw more precisely. One assignment to learn/practice to use it. Then I use it like in a painting assignment for them to change proportion of the subject for the painting but allows them to pick any photo they want and graph it. (They can use their phones to graph it if they want to pick a subject they would prefer or I have some they can choose from.) This helps them make it big so that they can be more successful painting since some have not painted for some time. They are using their knowledge of graphing by grid they gained earlier loosely and not as precise as the first time they used it to work in their own individual ideas into their work.

Other Tools and Strategies You could use sketchbooks to encourage the use of the strategies we learn in class to be used by the student for independent learning. Practice of filling up the page, using values, mixing colors etc..... Sorry been teaching for 30 years I use most of these strategies in some way.
Assessment of Learning

Sara Chambers
Sara Chambers
I had a student who had an intellectual disability in high school. He could not speak or write. I found out he could make lines on his paper but not with any kind of control and he enjoyed doing it. After seeing him make lines everyday on his paper--I ended up with making stiff paper templates of simple shapes, pictures for holidays and letters for some simple words, such as his name or something/idea/task we were working on in class that day. ex line, form, color.... He could make marks on his paper so I would give him different materials he could use paint, markers, chalk and depending on what the rest were using that day with the templates to keep the marks contained. He had a full time helper who could help with focus so it went well. I believe he enjoyed the activites and helped with doing something along with the rest of the class that was related to our projects. The other kids in class loved seeing what he would do and I could clarify with simple words from his work what they were doing in theirs.
Assessment of Learning

Sara Chambers
Sara Chambers
I have had many students with IND(Intellectual Disability) and E(emotional). More emotional than intellectual. With the emotional I have found creating a portfolio of work throughout the year gives me the be indication on how they are progressing. They can not like certain materials or subjects so an overall look at what they are doing is good factor. I can also see where I need to reteach an element or principle and easily slip it into a new lesson for review or relearning. Having more than one example of the item I am evaluating can help in my process to see if the student grasps the concept in my summative evaluation.
Students With Disabilities

Sara Chambers
Sara Chambers
I had a student who had an intellectual disability in high school. He could not speak or write. I found out he could make lines on his paper but not with any kind of control and he enjoyed doing it. After seeing him make lines everyday on his paper--I ended up with making stiff paper templates of simple shapes, pictures for holidays and letters for some simple words, such as his name or something/idea/task we were working on in class that day. ex line, form, color.... He could make marks on his paper so I would give him different materials he could use paint, markers, chalk and depending on what the rest were using that day with the templates to keep the marks contained. He had a full time helper who could help with focus so it went well. I believe he enjoyed the activites and helped with doing something along with the rest of the class that was related to our projects. The other kids in class loved seeing what he would do and I could clarify with simple words from his work what they were doing in theirs

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