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Alexis Chanhvandam

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Students with Disabilities

Alexis Chanhvandam
Alexis Chanhvandam
I have a student with EBD. He tends to be very concerned about making his work look perfect. I give him a lot of reassurance that his art is amazing. I also try to implement some calming strategies when I see he is getting overly worked up. Sometimes it works, but sometimes it doesn't, and he then will shut down or melt down.
Tools And Strategies

Alexis Chanhvandam
Alexis Chanhvandam
I have a student who is hard of hearing. In addition to the microphone I use on a regular basis to assist all students in being able to hear, I also use an additional device which amplifies my voice and connects it directly to this student's hearing aid.
Assessment of Learning

Alexis Chanhvandam
Alexis Chanhvandam
I have many students with disabilities, including EBD, SLD, hearing impaired, vision impaired, students with autism, etc., and therefore I am continuously implementing adapted and alternative assessments in order to meet the very diverse needs of my students. With all of my assessments and assignments, I try to minimize the "requirements" and instead give as much freedom and opportunity for students to respond in their own unique, creative ways. If the skill or concept is more difficult, I look for the bare bones of understanding and application for some students, while offering suggestions for extension and creative challenges for those who feel up to it.
I have used exit tickets on a number of occasions, which allows all students a chance for self-reflection. I frequently implement Kagan strategies, and I look for student leaders who are willing and able to assister their peers. I try to allow for flexible seating and opportunity for movement whenever possible. I keep playdough, kick bands, etc. on hand for students with sensory needs and those who need to redirect their movement.

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