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Students With Disabilities

I teach a student diagnosed with a Specific Learning Disability in addition to being on the Autism Spectrum. This student was affected daily by the disability. Namely the focus of the student and completing tasks were a concern. The student had trouble completing complex tasks/projects. I have to chunk lessons into smaller tasks for the student to be able to focus on simple tasks and have success and build on top to eventually finalize larger more complex projects. I also have to interact and engage the student every 15 minutes to keep them on task and focused on the assignment as well as give verbal encouragement/feedback so the student is motivated to continue work. I sometimes redirect their attention and behavior to remain on task if they are off task or if they show a struggle with a certain assignment. Reteaching or rewording how to do a task is also helpful. One final aspect I find important is to give the student a reason for why it is important that they learn the lesson, etc.
Tools and Strategies

  • Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name and describe how they could be used to address the needs of a student with a disability.
  • One of the differentiated strategies that I can implement is the RAFT assignment where students are given a list of varying options to demonstrate their knowledge in a unique product that allows them a variety of possible scenarios but w/ a similar outcome. This can be a fun activity that will challenged and engage students and allow them options.
  • Another strategy to use are graphic organizers that can allow students more structure in their responses.
  • Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to describe the specific technology and how it assisted the student with a disability.
  • I've used technology in my classroom by allowing students to access their laptops to create digital artworks using Paint when they struggled physically with actual paint application.
Assessment of Learning

Alternative assessments that I have used with past students who had disabilities included exit slips to see if the student understood the lesson or had further questions; teacher observations of a student working successfully using a pair of scissors and /or demonstrating a successful technique; and verbal explanation of an art concept for students who could not physically demonstrate the example themselves. Tjhese students pointed to the elements of art in famous artworks to demonstrate their knowldge.

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