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Elizabeth Armstrong

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Assessment of Learning

Elizabeth Armstrong
Elizabeth Armstrong
I had several EBD students in class. I provided extra opportunities to stay on task and earn incentives. One of the activities was to use an acronym I taught them to remember the 7 design principles which was”becrump”:balance , emphasis, contrast,rhythm,unity, movement and perspective/pattern. The mnemonic helped the student to recall the principles. He also loved speaking in front of the class so I made it a voluntary public speaking opportunity to recite it for the class.
Another thing that kept the students positive was to “catch them being good” by giving out tickets for positive behavior. On Fridays I did drawings of the tickets for treats. I taped the winning ticket on the treat and gave it to the teacher in the Mailbox (asked their permission to do so).
Students with Disabilities

Elizabeth Armstrong
Elizabeth Armstrong
I had an amazing art student who was autistic. He was a phenomenal sketcher. I knew he wanted to do his own ideas for projects. I made an agreement that if he would just show me he understood the class concept I taught I would give him the rest of class to sketch his latest favorite drawings. Even in kindergarten he could draw like a middle school student. I kept in close communication with the parents and his classroom teacher. The classroom teacher was so happy I gave him a few extra papers he could earn if he did his regular class work. He had less behavior in both rooms when he knew he could earn a few mins to draw.
Tools And Strategies

Elizabeth Armstrong
Elizabeth Armstrong
I use the whiteboard for 5 question quizzes. The students get a quiz each week . After the quiz we go over the answers as a class. Then we do a concept review of all the material we have had presented through the year. The students are divided into two teams. The winning team got prizes. One of the rules is that if a team member talks out of turn the other team gets a point.We also use the projector alt for seeing art works from internet or sharing their own work.(volunteers only). My students usually tested well because we had weekly quizzes and made learning fun.

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