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Alicia Urbano

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Students with Disabilities

Alicia Urbano
Alicia Urbano
Think of a student with a disability: 11 year old, currently in self contained ESE. ESE self contained class is combined with a general ed 5th grade class for specials.

Identified disability: Based on current IEP, Primary Exceptionality is Intellectual Disability. Other Exceptionalities listed are Language Impairment and Visual Impairment. Uses walking stick. IEP also states retinal detachment, nystagmus, and retinopathy. Children's Hospital stated diagnose of Autism Spectrum Disorder with seizures reported.

Describe the way in which their disability affects their learning: Vision impairments affect learning by not being able to independently visually follow directions or watch modeling occur.

Describe at least one or more ways instruction has been successfully accommodated or modified for this student: As followed by directions in IEP, Hand over hand instruction with verbal prompting and physical assistance to initiate, maintain, or complete art assignments. Whenever possible, use of tactile textures to develop understanding. Use of walking stick to orient herself to art room. Working on independently locating her seat in art class with use of cane and velcro attached to table to identify seat. Consulted with District Vision Support Team (Nancy Moncalm) to initiate ways I can further provide support in art class. Ongoing support from visual team will further help refine current use of differentiation of instruction & Tiered Lessons.
edited by Alicia Urbano on 12/11/2021
edited by Alicia Urbano on 12/11/2021
edited by Alicia Urbano on 12/11/2021
Assessment of Learning

Alicia Urbano
Alicia Urbano
Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability:

11 year old, Self Contained ESE, integrated with general ed class for specials. IEP - Intellectual Disability, Language Impairment, Visual Impairment. Currently learning to use walking cane, some prior braille instruction. Based on Children's Hospital in IEP, prior seizures and diagnose of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Based on IEP requirements and consult with Visual Therapist, one adaptive assessment used in class is allowing student to verbally express her answers since auditory learning is stated as primary learning media. Included in that type of assessment is increased wait time for answer (up to 10 seconds) in order to process what was said and to formulate answer.
Tools And Strategies

Alicia Urbano
Alicia Urbano
Describe how two of the strategies discussed could potentially be implemented in your classroom. Be sure to identify the two strategies by name, and describe how they could be used to address the student's disability:

With one of my vision impaired students, task cards will be implemented with a few changes. Having fewer choices and including tactile choices (clay, finger painting, etc) from which she could choose from might help support her IEP. For example, hand over hand could be used when verbally describing each task card and providing tactile examples. Tactual textures and real objects would help develop her understanding of the art task card choices. Cubing is the 2nd strategy tool chosen to try in the class due to her IEP stating an increase use of demonstrating more finger isolation with the support of hands and fingers along with verbal prompting as she attempts to perform pre'braille activities. For example, when verbally asked to compare and contrast two sculptures while using hand over hand, the teacher could verbally describe the sculptures (rough, smooth, sticky). Her IEP states she is more likely to respond to an auditory prompt.

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