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Michele Faulconer

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Students with Disabilities

Michele Faulconer
Michele Faulconer
I currently have a student with Anxiety issues. We break down his art assignments into small manageable steps, allow him to always work in pencil first with a good eraser and accommodate with extra time. When I see he is feeling overwhelmed I stop and sit with him and we do some deep breathing exercises to ease his anxiety. Also, due to his young age, I also sometimes utilize a hand over hand technique to help him model the motion needed to produce a certain line or shape.
edited by Michele Faulconer on 10/11/2021
Tools And Strategies

Michele Faulconer
Michele Faulconer
I have used graphic organizers when teaching a unit on Faith Ringold's "Tar Beach" we broke down the story in order to have an outline for our own creations of where we would go if we could fly. I have also used computer based shape sorting programs to aid my Kindergarten students in learning and recognizing their shapes and the attributes of each shape. As for using technology to assist some of my students I often use my hovercam to teach step by step, I film this so students who require additional time for a particular step can have me repeat steps as necessary.
Tools And Strategies

Michele Faulconer
Michele Faulconer
  • Think of a fine arts student with a disability you have now or in the past. Review the Assessment Accommodations Checklist and select two options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her fine arts learning. Discuss how they would benefit the student.
  • Reading questions to the student, and repeating if necessary. This would enable the student to have a fair amount of time and a better understanding of the question.
  • Using exit cards with A, B,C or a choice of answers enabling the student to answer correctly to the prompt.
  • Allowing the student additional time for certain steps and providing hand on hand or more one on one demonstrations.

By using these techniques and spending more one on one or small group time with certain students, I can have a more accurate assessment of their capabilities and better assess where help is needed. Better and more frequent assessment will lead to a better level of mastery and understanding.
edited by Michele Faulconer on 10/11/2021

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