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Stephen Terry

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Students with Disabilities

Stephen Terry
Stephen Terry
While previously a music educator (orchestra/guitar) at another school, I asked for and was given permission to work daily with a group of Trainable Mentally Handicapped students (designation at the time) on a daily basis. For several years (in conjunction with the ESE teachers) we had a "signing chorus" of TMH students who would sign as I played guitar and sang. Over the years we signed and sang at a number of non-threatining community events, and shared concerts with the school orchestra. At the orchestra concerts, the signing chorus was dressed formally, as was the orchestra, and we shared several programs, with the orchestra playing and the TMH students signing as one performing unit. We found the programs inspiring and fulfilling for all involved, students, parents, teachers and administrators.
Tools and Strategies

Stephen Terry
Stephen Terry
A strategy I often use in my guitar classes is Peer Partner Strategy. The classes are often large (25 to 30 students) and I have found it very helpful to pair a struggling student with one for whom the work comes more easily. Additionally, I offer playing assignments (tests) of varying demands that test the same expected result (Tiered Lessons).
Assessment of Learning

Stephen Terry
Stephen Terry
I use Adapted Assessment in my first-year high-school guitar classes. These are experience-based classes and I do not expect the students to perform individually in an advanced manner. I differentiate the assessments for the individual students, but all assessments demonstrate a basic knowledge of the concept(s) involved.

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