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Mary Lubaroff

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Students with Disabilities

Mary Lubaroff
Mary Lubaroff
As an orchestra teacher, I have a particular experience with a child diagnosed with autism in my class. She was not sensitive to sound, but I adapted learning style activities for her such as learning by ear, singing the tune, rote practice. Students in the class were eager to see her succeed as we started with small goals and helped her grow to participate in the full class performance experience.
Students with Disabilities

Mary Lubaroff
Mary Lubaroff
Cooperative learning and peer partners have been helpful strategies for me in the orchestra classroom. It is an effective and non threatening way to encourage students with learning disabilities to participate to their fullest extent without feeling like they are "behind" or "not performing to the level of the rest of the class." Mainstream students are eager to help and feel such a sense of accomplishment when they can help others. Using technology for a student with a disability in orchestra can be in the form of note reading on musictheory.net.
Students with Disabilities

Mary Lubaroff
Mary Lubaroff
Think of a music student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their music learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
During the last school year I had a student with an extreme cases of ADHD with attention getting behaviors that made it difficult for students to relate to him. I found great success with an increased attention to routine and detail with rehearsal etiquette, setting high expectations, and consequences are immediate with attention to redirection.
Students with Disabilities

Mary Lubaroff
Mary Lubaroff
Think of a music student with a disability you have now, or have had in the past. Identify their disability. Describe the way in which their disability affected their music learning. Describe at least one or more ways you successfully accommodated or modified instruction for this student. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

I had a student who was missing fingers on her right hand. We adapted her bow hold to allow her to use the bow effectively. She was so proud and her self esteem grew as she felt she could participate fully in the orchestra class.

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