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Judith Thompson

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Assessment of Learning

Judith Thompson
Judith Thompson
Option 2: Think of a student with a disability you have now (or have had in the past). Identify their disability. Review the Alternative Assessment Checklist and select two or more options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her learning. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

About two years ago, I had a student in my fourth grade classroom who was Developmentally Delayed and was just learning the letters of the alphabet as he was performing on Kindergarten level. In order to assess his understanding I would give him a basket of colored pictures and another basket of clothes pins with the letters of the alphabet on each. He would then go through each picture and clip on the clothes pin that had that initial sound. For example, for the picture of the SUN he would look for the clothes pin with the letter S and clip it onto the picture. For the picture of a FISH, he would look for and clip on the letter F. I would carefully observe his sessions and the letters that he got consistently right and mastered, those clothes pins and matching pictures would be removed.

Believe it or not, he absolutely loved the program STARFALLS and this computer program was his favorite because then he could continue to learn the letters accompanied by a short song that features that letter. These he would memorize as the avatar was designed out of the letter. For example, the letter S was actually a snake dressed up in a skirt and so on.

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