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Sherry Donataccio

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Students with Disabilities

Sherry Donataccio
Sherry Donataccio
In my previous school I taught a self-contained ESE class. I remember one InD student in particular who was able to respond to music by clapping a steady beat and pointing to herself when her name was called during my "hello" song. However, she had difficulty choosing an instrument and picking it up to hold in her hand. Whenever I had students choose a hand held instrument to play for the day, I would need to assist her in the process. This was a cognitive issue, not a physical one. Over the course of a year and a half I was able to see this student progress to where she could understand and follow instructions such as "choose an instrument" and pick up the instrument of her choice to play. If I recall correctly a general goal in her IEP actually was the ability to pick up materials as instructed. This was truly awesome to see! I am at a different school now but I still think about her and her class.

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