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Emily Fisher

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Students with Disabilities

Emily Fisher
Emily Fisher
I have worked with EBD and CSS students. To accommodate them, I created differentiated lessons that were engaging to them and tried to keep them short lessons with frequent breaks. I also would work them with in small hands-on groups and I had adaptive tools for them to use if needed.
Students with Disabilities

Emily Fisher
Emily Fisher
Christine Jamrok wrote:
  • Think of a student with a disability you have now or in the past. Describe ways in which their disability affected their learning in your class.

I currently have a fourth grade student with ASD. He is largely non-verbal, but will have occasional loud outbursts. Keeping his level of engagement high is a challenge, so I spoke with his instructional aide about ways to keep him engaged. He absolutely loves Sesame Street, so I have taken the opportunity to infuse my lessons with his favorite characters. For example, if we are using blue paint, I will refer to it as "Cookie Monster Blue".

I have also used some adaptive technology to help with his ability to use art tools appropriately. He loves to use technology like iPads and the computer, so wherever possible, I will allow him to use these tools instead of traditional art media (so long as it still meets the standards of the lesson we are addressing).

I like how you engaged your student by incorporating his likes into your language.
Tools And Strategies

Emily Fisher
Emily Fisher
I would like to implement grouping practices and reflective strategies in my classroom. Grouping practices would help my students learn from and teach one another and work together to problem solve and create. Reflective strategies would help my students reflect on their learning and would also help me to assess their understanding.

I have created PowerPoints and videos for my students who visual learners, rather than just relying on my verbal instructions aimed towards aural learners.
Tools And Strategies

Emily Fisher
Emily Fisher
Susan Ling wrote:
Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
I have made videos of the lessons I am teaching so that they can see how to make the art process. I also use the document camera to project each step on the board.

I do the same thing with my document camera, it seems to help students a lot.
Assessment of Learning

Emily Fisher
Emily Fisher
I will allow students to answer my teacher-made formative assessment questions in different ways based on what works for them. Some students will write their answers, some will draw a picture, and some will verbally answer to me and I will write it for them. I feel that this allows them to feel less pressure on their assessments and also allows them to communicate in the way that works best for them.
Assessment of Learning

Emily Fisher
Emily Fisher
Kimberly Booker wrote:
I teach 5th grade students who are SLD and are low level readers. I give written assessments. Since I am not assessing reading standards, I read the test to the entire class. That way, no one is singled out, I can control the pace and give extra time when and where needed.

I do that as well.

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