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Susan Ling

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Students with Disabilities

Susan Ling
Susan Ling
I have a student who is autistic and a protectionist. If he made one mistake he would scream and melt down. I decided to have the project drawn ahead of time in pencil and then let him trace over it and color it in. I did this a few times with him. Then I had each step separate and made him copies so he could practice and draw the lesson on his own.
Assessment of Learning

Susan Ling
Susan Ling
Think of a student with a disability you have now (or have had in the past). Identify their disability. Review the Alternative Assessment Checklist and select two or more options that could potentially benefit this student in assessing his or her learning. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

I had a student who needed time to process information. In my art class, I provided visuals of each step I was teaching so that they could have a copy in front of them as well as following along on the smart board. They had the opportunity to take their time. i usually stop after each step to walk around the room to make sure everyone understands before moving on.
Tools And Strategies

Susan Ling
Susan Ling
Describe at least one way you have used technology to meet the needs of a student with a disability in your classroom. Be sure to identify or describe the specific technology and the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.
I have made videos of the lessons I am teaching so that they can see how to make the art process. I also use the document camera to project each step on the board.

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