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Julia Ford

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Students with Disabilities

Julia Ford
Julia Ford
I have a student in a current 1st grade class who has been diagnosed with Level 1 Autism Spectrum Disorder and combined ADHD. They can have random mood swings, tends to focus and repeat 1 word over and over again, and will ignore you and throw objects if they don't like how you're speaking to them. I practice deep breathing with my entire class, and use that skill with them when they begin experiencing something that is off task. I modify my lessons to make sure they have a visual presentation of everything that we go over, and I pair them up with students who are friends with them to help support him during group work. Anything that we listen to I provide headphones to them as well to make sure they can manage the volume that works for them.
Assessment of Learning

Julia Ford
Julia Ford
I use informal assessments every class, and they are constantly modified for my students with disabilities or needs. Normally I will read something out loud and have numbered answers up for them to show me a number on their fingers for their answer. Some of my students need the questions and answer choices printed out. Some need to write down an answer or verbally tell me. I have 2 students that have cards with numbers on them and they hand me the card with the number choice that aligns with the answer they choose.

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