Students with Disabilities
Laura Buckley
I currently have an online student with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities. She has shared her art with me, and that has opened up a way for me to support and encourage her. We discuss upcoming assignments and I make sure that she understands the steps. Sometimes we do assignments together through Teams video calls. I also made checklists for her and helped her learn how to navigate the platform. She has been receptive, especially, to sharing art with other students through our online bulletin board. |
Tools And Strategies
Laura Buckley
I could implement tiered lessons with task cards so that students could learn essential big ideas in different ways. I could also create visual prompts that students could use for continual reference throughout a lesson. |
Assessment of Learning
Laura Buckley
I am thinking about a student I taught who has ASD. He felt uncomfortable touching clay. I wanted the students to show that they knew how to express an idea or feeling through form, so I allowed this student to choose from play dough or blocks to create his project. He then was able to demonstrate his skill and knowledge with these alternate materials. The children used SeeSaw to create online portfolios, and he was able to record himself describing his work, too. |