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Students with Disabilities

Jonny Lee
Jonny Lee
I am at an elementary school that has ASD units. Some of those students come to me with Gen. Ed. classes and others come in a a self-contained class. The students who are in the general education class are typically high functioning. For these students it is more about accommodating them socially. I often do this through considering who I have them sit near and work with. I want to ensure they are by/with students who are going to also help them succeed. The students in the self-contained class are have much lower levels of functioning. With these students I will usually modify their curriculum to better fit their abilities.
Tools and Strategies

Jonny Lee
Jonny Lee
Option 1:
I teach at a school that haw ASD units. The high functioning students are in GenEd settings and the low functioning students are in a self-contained setting. Two strategies that I could see being used in my music classroom would be the following:
-Peer Partner- I have been using this at times already with having the ASD students in GenEd classes. I will often pair the students up with a peer to help them when playing instruments.
-Graphic Organizer- this would be a great strategy to help the students when comparing and contrasting.
Assessment of Learning

Jonny Lee
Jonny Lee
Option 1: Provide/Describe one or more examples of adapted or alternative assessments you have successfully used in the music classroom for students with disabilities. Be sure to identify the student's disability. Share your response in the threaded discussion.

I teach at a school that has ASD units. We have our high functioning students in GenEd, inclusion settings. Our lower functioning, often non-verbal students are in self-contained classes. With these lower functioning students I have used pictures, whether on cards or the SmartBoard and have had the students point to their answer.

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