Assessment of Learning
Lisa hudson
I have a student with learning disabilities. He has trouble making eye contact and most of the time speaks to me with his eyes closed. He has a speech disability as well that makes it very difficult for me and the other students to understand what he is saying. We spend a lot of time trying to translate what he wants us to know. He is not a behavior problem at all and is very sweet. The other students interact with him well and it makes me happy to see them be so kind and including hime. |
Students With Disabilities
Lisa hudson
I will be trying Cubing in my class. I will have my advanced class make them and them my basic art class use them for learning and doing demonstrations. I will also be using two column note taking for the art elements and the principles of design. This will be good for reviewing before exams.
I use cell phones in my classroom as a technology instructional aid.. Students are always trying to use their phones without being seen. I decided to have them use them for class instead of fighting them. They use them for a number of reasons. It keeps them on task and they think they have earned the privilege. |
Students With Disabilities
Lisa hudson
I have used computerized kahoot with all my students. Not only can i see how everyone is doing, but they really enjoy and have fun. They are so competitive ant get so into it. They will study knowing that we have a kahoot exam coming up so that they can beat the others.
Two things from the assessment accommodation check list that I will be trying is Music and Color Coding instructions. I have students that get worked up and I think the music will help to calm them and encourage them to stay on task. Color coding the instructions will make things stand our so that they can't possible miss them and they can complete things one at a time. I look forward to trying both of these. |