Students with Disabilities
Heather Patrick
Tiered Lessons, especially within an multi level learners setting. The students are all on such different levels. I like to divide them into ability groups and assign certain tasks would work well for each particular group and level. Cubing would allow me to assign certain simpler tasks to students on lower levels,( with options to move up to the next group when student feels ready) and more difficult tasks to more advanced students, creating a challenge for all my students. For a student with disabilities, I would structure and plan in chunks and more one on one help if needed, for that student to receive the appropriate task for their current level. Peer Partners also work well in an art class, pairing a student with disabilities , maybe like slower at understanding comprehension and concepts or struggling with fine motor skills with a student who is kind, knowledge, trustworthy and comfortable providing extra time and extra explanations when the teacher cannot. That student could help ensure that their partner understands the questions, task and concepts during class. |
Students with Disabilities
Heather Patrick
Describe an example of adopted assessment you have successfully used in Fine Arts classroom for students with disabilities.
With students with disabilities, I often do multi choice picture assessment. Student can read and pick the picture answer or I can read it to them and the student points to the picture answer or circles it themselves. I am very flexible in assessments in art class to help students be successful so they are more encouraged to try assessments in the future, and not fear them. |