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Walter Busse

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Students with Disabilities

Walter Busse
Walter Busse
I've taught for over 30 years of all ages/abilities and (even for my own memorization) I always use mnemonic devices. It's a great way for the brain to associate, order and group data.
Tools and Strategies

Walter Busse
Walter Busse
Peer partners and mnemonic devices I use all the time. Both methods work great not just with special needs students but with all levels of students and at different ages.
Assessment of Learning

Walter Busse
Walter Busse
I had a choir student that had developed vocal nodules and had to go on complete voice rest. I had her "translate" the lyrics of everything the choir was singing into ASL (American Sign Language). She still fully participated as a "silent singer" and even other students got on board with learning sign language.

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