Students with Disabilities
Lindsay Denney
I had a student in my elementary music classes who was experiencing loss of mobility due to a medical condition. He needed to use a walker. The class was learning about form through a movement activity involving different body movements for different sections of the music. The student was not able to participate in the way the rest of the students could. We decided together that he would have multiple percussion instruments and would play the steady beat on a different instrument for each section instead of performing the movements. He was thrilled! |
Tools and Strategies
Lindsay Denney
One way I could implement these strategies into my music classroom would be by adding more opportunities for differentiation into my lessons. For example, instead of working on rhythm reading as a class I could have students work independently or in small groups so that students who may need more time on each rhythm can go at their own pace.
Another way I could implement these strategies into my music classroom would be to incorporate more opportunities for students to use technology. I have had access to iPads in the past and they could be used as an opportunity for independent practice (rhythm apps, listening to music selections, etc) or as a motivational tool. |
Assessment of Learning
Lindsay Denney
I have given rhythmic dictation assessments in which students had to hear a rhythm being played and then write down what they heard. When giving this assessment to students with hearing impairments, I have "played" the rhythm by tapping it on their shoulder as many times as they needed. The students would then be able to write down the correct rhythm. |